With hefty fines being levied via the HSE becoming an almost monthly scenario due to health and safety breaches, H&S Managers are increasingly focusing in on proactive safety compliance solutions such as Orchestra Read & Comply®.
Fines are increasing and most organisations are not even aware of how at risk they are. Fines have gone up 18% in the last year and the average fine has increased by 34%. You don’t need to have a serious incident. All you need is to have a situation where you’re shown putting your personnel at risk -and this could by in any organisation.
A quick search on the latest HSE cases illustrates the point with DB Cargo (UK) Ltd being fined £2.7 million in March 2019. The following HSE table illustrates the point.
No longer is it safe to assume that all is well by issuing standard working practises and procedures. The Orchestra approach ensures not only that personnel and contractors are issues with the latest training information but are actively proven to have complied .
In turn this approach assists in protecting the organisation down the line should Health and Safety breaches occur. With our unique Read & Comply solution taking only a day to install and deliver, there is no time like the present for Health and Safety managers to strengthen their approach to proactive safety compliance in any organisation.
Get in touch with us at Signarus.com today on 0207 788 9445 to see how we can help you meet better health and safety compliance fast.